Reynoldstown Park Grounds Trivia Secret Answer: May 22

Trivia: Park Grounds | 7pm

Brainiac Bonanza: Join Host Matt Padula for a Trivia Extravaganza!

Answer: Dyan of Dyan’s Food and Variety

What’s Behind the Answer:
Trivia Provided by The Reynoldstown Rangers

This Reynoldstown institution has been run by its namesake owner for the last 27 years, longer than any other local proprietor. From her tiny orange roofed landmark on Howell Drive, she serves up old-school soul food, breakfast and lunch, 7 days a week. What’s the name over the door (and behind the counter)?

Dyan of Dyan’s Food and Variety

Trivia Provided by The Reynoldstown Rangers

The Reynoldstown Rangers are all about building up our resources of social capital. Rangers listen hard and dig deep. We discover and celebrate our common ground. History and nature, infrastructure and folklore – we're a catalyst and a platform for countless ways to be curious.


Curiosity leads to attention.
Attention creates connection and compassion.
Connection and compassion build community.

We assemble, guide, and empower teams that learn together over time. We challenge people to come together, to have fun, and to deepen our map. Then to share with us all what they've found.

Bring us your story or question or skill. Tell us what you wonder.
Together, we can make something wonderful.

Reynoldstown Rangers.
Go from 'Huh?' to 'Hello' to 'Hurray!'

Triviahannah miners